Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Endless Knot

According to Wikipedia:

"The Endless knot or Eternal knot (Sanskrit: Shrivatsa; Tibetan "Dpal be'u") is a symbolic knot found in Tibet and Mongolia. The motif is used in Tibetan Buddhism, and may also be found in Chinese art as one of the Eight auspicious symbols."

I hope I don't offend anyone (or any god) by what I do to this thing...

This stone is large enough for two designs so I'll layout half, carve it, layout the other half, carve that one, then cut the stone in two...at least that was the plan.

Below I've decide what needs to get cut out and have started hacking.

Below, I've kind of traced out the overs and unders with the chisel just in case I make a mistake.

It's difficult to tell but I've deepened the sketchy lines to make the design pop out.

This design was almost done and I started to think about a design to carve in the other half when the awful realization hit me that I could spend a lot of time carving two designs and then screw up one or both when trying to cut the stone in two.

So I decide to cut it in two pieces now using a common circular saw with a masonry blade...maybe not the best choice.

Lessons Learned:
1. Do the cutting outside.
2. Close all doors and windows if near to the house, the dust blows in the windows.
3. Wear protective clothing, breathing mask, full face mask and hat - see Darth Vader in first post.
4. Don't try to cut all the way through the stone in one pass.
5. Don't expect to be able to see the cut line, it will be covered by dust within seconds. Stop and clear it off.
6. Warn the neighbors, they may think the limestone dust cloud created is smoke and call the fire department.

So I cut it in half and I did screw up the other half so I'm glad I didn't carve that side. I used the toothed chisel again on the borders to make the design pop out.

Here's the finished product and also with the "Flower of Life" from the previous post below.

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