Saturday, July 5, 2008

Saturday, June 28, 2008 - Comfest - Columbus, OH

My stone carving instructor invited me to Comfest in Columbus, OH. Part of his business is to sell carvings at various events in the Columbus area.

His carving booth is shown below. Notice there are two sides to the booth.

The left side is the "demonstration" side where he sets up carving benches and makes things. People watch the carving and ask questions. I arrived early on Saturday and those are my pieces in front of the booth. "The Fickle Finger of Fate", "The Endless Knot", "The Flower of Life", "The Giant Ear" and a stepping stone piece that I made the day before.

The right side of the booth has finished pieces for sale.

Of course it rained a little but the beer tent people were still happy.

We stayed across the street in the left side of the tarp covered booth. Of course the tarp leaked.

After several hours the rain stopped.

Then things picked up.

Somebody bought "The Endless Knot".

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